A dog’s whole life revolves around his beloved human, whom he loves unconditionally and is loyal to him for the rest of his life. Precisely because of this, dogs who live in a warm home with a loving family are the happiest and most satisfied with their lives.
Sadly, today, these dogs are in the minority, while the majority of canines are left to fend for themselves. Some have never even known what it means to be truly loved, while others have been thrown out of their homes and their hearts suddenly broken.
One of the many is a three-year-old shelter dog named Roseanna, who knows best what it means to suffer and be unhappy, considering her difficult fate.
Fortunately, there are always good souls who truly sympathize with these beings and are ready to do anything for them.
Heartbreaking Health Issues
Roseanna had just turned three years old when she came to Maricopa County Animal Care and Control East Shelter in Mesa, Arizona.
Although the shelter staff have witnessed everything in their working life, this was one of the most heartbreaking cases, considering that this Pit Bull was in terrible condition when they first saw her.
She was struggling with skin irritation and major fur loss, and she was overweight. They soon realized that she was suffering from hypothyroidism, as those were all classic signs of this disease.
In addition to all the mentioned problems, Roseanna was also deaf, which made the overall situation even more difficult.
However, despite all the hardships, this dog still had a gentle demeanor and positive energy, meaning that she wasn’t willing to give up so easily.
That also motivated the shelter staff to do everything in their power to provide this dog with a brighter future.
Hopes For A Better Tomorrow
The people who cared for Roseanna have done everything to improve this dog’s life and make her happy. She lacked nothing in the shelter, and they also showered her with love that healed her soul.
The shelter staff described her as a beautiful, loving soul who is always ready to smile despite her grim circumstances. They also stated that she is potty trained, kennel trained, and walks well on a leash.
These are all good reasons why this amazing dog deserves a forever home. However, since she is still in the shelter in Mesa, Arizona, they asked all people of goodwill to donate for her medical care, as every dollar counts.
Still, the shelter staff are convinced that there will be no more need for this soon and that Roseanna will meet her happy ending because there are still many big-hearted people out there.
“Let’s give Roseanna the chance to feel better and find her forever family. She’s a diamond in the rough, waiting for her moment to shine 💎,” they wrote in the caption of the TikTok video.