
Man Saves A Dog, Then Hears More Heartbreaking Cries Coming From The Woods


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Life can sometimes be very difficult and hit us hard. A man named Niall Harbison knows it best as he had life crises for some time and he didn’t see a way out. 

That was until he decided to entirely dedicate himself to the one thing that makes him the happiest, saving dogs and providing them with a home and lots of love. 

Although the problem of abandoned dogs is widespread, in the area where he lives, it is brought to the next level as many dogs are desperate to find a loving home. 

However, this fact alone only motivated this man to work even harder because he knew best what it means to be unhappy and empty inside. 

It was exactly like that when he was on the rescue mission of one dog when he experienced something unexpected. 

Horrible Screams That Were Calling To Action

On November 18, 2022, Niall Harbison got a call from @easydogme that one abandoned white puppy needed help. He quickly got ready, got on his motorbike, and headed towards his destination.

When he got there, he found a cute little puppy with beautiful white fur, whom he named Lady Diana

Besides the fact that she was dumped at only a few weeks old, she was also the target of other dogs that caused her injuries. 

However, just as he went to pick up this little puppy and lead her to safety, he heard a heartbreaking cry coming from the woods. He immediately knew what it was about and ran towards the place where those horrible screams were coming from.

“I’ve heard the cry of a puppy being dumped about 20 times now,” Harbison told The Dodo. “The first time you hear it, you wonder what it could be. It is bone-chilling.”

Soon after, Miall noticed a sweet, brown dog crying out from within the forest leaves. The dog, whom he later named Thor, was so scared that he wasn’t able to look him in the eyes. 

“I knew he was in trouble and that I needed to act quickly,” Harbison said. His jaw was infected and very sore. That was probably the main reason why he got dumped as he was screaming from the pain. 

In a minute, Lady Diana and Thor were on Harbison’s motorbike, headed toward safety and a brighter future. 

Harbison documented the rescue and posted the video on his Official Instagram profile, and you can watch it here: 

From The Rough Beginning To A New Life

After they came to Harbison’s dog sanctuary, he made sure they got immediate veterinary attention. 

“Once we had Lady Diana cleared of ticks and fleas she was OK,” Harbison said. “Thor took three vet visits and [needed to wear a cone] for a week to fix his jaw. Once the pain started to go, he [recovered] really fast and only wanted to play.”

Niall stated on his Instagram profile that Thor was going to have to stay with a lovely lady called Patricia. On the other hand, he wasn’t able to find a home for Lady Diana, so he decided that she would stay with Bambi and 3 other girls who got fed every day on their route.  

When it came to Thor, everything was going according to plan, but unfortunately, Lady Diana didn’t have that luck. She got attacked by other dogs and was in really bad condition again. She even needed imminent surgery. 

As he could not forgive himself for that, he decided to do everything to find her a place where she would be cared for. And, he succeeded! 

On November 29, 2022, Niall posted some very happy news on his Instagram profile. He stated that Ramona and Stefan, from @love.palmtrees, welcomed Lady Diana with their 4 rescue dogs, and that they would be taking care of her. 

A difficult beginning does not always mean that the end will be like that because life always makes sure to write some beautiful stories. As that was the case with their rescuer, it was the same with these rescued puppies.




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